So... Singing. It's a musical instrument itself, so who here likes to sing? Now I'm not talking about some shower-singing crap, I'm talking about singing to actually improve, or perhaps you sing in a band, or just singing seriously. Any kind of vocalists are welcome, be it regular clean singers, screamish mofos from hardcore bands, rappers, etc.

I have a very limited voice, therefore my regular singing is very bad. Perhaps it's because I don't try it very much, but I've tried singing some Judas Priest/Iron Maiden-ish stuff and it's just too hard for me, I can't hit such high notes(never tried it loud enough so I'm not sure). I also suck at imitating Eddie Vedder(Pearl Jam).

I can sing some Frank Sinatra, though.

Of course I've tried some of that growling stuff in death metal. In fact, my growl is pretty good, sounds an awful lot like Pandemonium's deep vocals, and quite a lot like that of Avulsed. Thing is, I can only do it from my throat, so it's not very loud and gets very tiring after a bit. Having phlegm helps a lot... If I try to do it from my gut(how it's really supposed to be done), I sound like Morbid Angel, or some old Italian punk band(don't remember the name).

I can do very good rasps however, not as perfect as Arsis', but good. I need plenty of phlegm to do it well, and it doesn't sound like cum gurgling like a lot of BM bands.

Normally I don't sing along to something less I know the lyrics very well and I feel hyped. I frequently sing some Manowar/Metallica/Pearl Jam/a few power metal bands/etc.

So... post what stuff you sing, if you sing, if you suck, if you're better than Bruce Dickinson, etc. Or just spam this thread if you can't play any instrument.