Hi all,

I just pulled out my NDS Lite for the first time in many years. I have an Acekard 2 (version 2.1 according to the sticker on the cart), as well as an EZ Flash slot-2 device.
I spent a lot of time configuring the AK's interface and directories to my satisfaction, back in the day.

The reason I pulled the DS out was to install and play Pokemon White v2 for the first time. After some initial trouble, I finally managed to get the game to run (by formatting the micro SD card with the Panasonic formatter), then installing the newest version of AKAIO (1.9.0).

Just out of curiosity, I went to check out how far I had progressed in Pokemon FireRed for GBA, but when I went to my GameBoy Advance rom folder, nothing appeared... Thinking maybe I hadn't re-copied everything back to the micro SD, I checked the directory on my computer, and all the GBA roms were present, along with their saves, and the bitmap icons I had made for each. So I inserted the micro SD back into the Acekard, started the DS again and started looking through the System Options. I found a "Show file type" setting, which has multiple options: NDS, NDS+SAV, NDS+SAV+BAK, and ALL. Realizing I likely needed to set it to ALL, I tried it, and voila, my GBA roms appeared. However, so did the .sav files, as well as the icon .bmp files, which is not ideal.

I'm 100% positive that once upon a time, I was able to view my GBA roms without the .sav and .bmp files being visible as well, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I did it.

Did something change in the new version of AKAIO? Is there a way I can make the GBA roms appear without the saves and icons showing up as well?

Thanks much.