With the new generation of consoles getting a lot of attention lately, or in recent discussions about the art style of a particular game, the topic of pre-ordering things always seems to come into play. Lots of people seem to pre-order for various reasons: cool bonuses like art books or in-game content; because it's essentially the same as "saving up" for something in particular, with less temptation to take that money and use it elsewhere; to avoid the stress of getting a highly anticipated release on day 1.
Whilst all these seem like decent and rational pros to pre-order, I've never convinced myself to do so. I don't know if it's just that I'm more oriented towards instant gratification in my purchases, or if I've just never been SO EXCITED about something that I'm willing to pay 60+ bucks for it right now even though I won't actually own it for months.

I suppose that's just it. As I'm writing this it actually occurs to me that I used to hate even ordering things online. If I'm going to pay money for something now, I'd like to have it now. These days though, I'm willing to wait a couple days for a shipment from Amazon~

It could also be related to the fact that my father and I browsed used game stores even when I was very little (anyone remember FuncoLand? ), and coming from a paycheck to paycheck sort of family, I'm used to being a few years behind when it comes to the newest releases and consoles. And to tell the truth, I sort of prefer it that way.

Whatever the reason, I don't pre-order. And when the topic comes up I seem to be in the minority. Maybe you guys have other reasons that you like to pre-order, or maybe you have some really cool things to tell us about that you got as a pre-order bonus. Whatever the case, this is the place~