I was flicking through my camera yesterday and I came across photos I had taken some years back, on special occassions, during events, some of celebrities, more of landscape and scenery, and a few random pics.

Now if one were to go through these, naturally they would reminisce about the time they had when a particular picture was taken. After all, one of the main purposes of a photo is to preserve a memory, isn't it? But what happens with me, rather than sole reminiscence, I couldn't help but reflect whilst looking at my photos. I don't mean merely remembering the time captured - I mean taking in the beauty of what was captured. How great everything looks, that I am able to do it, and further down the line how fortunate I am to be where I am today: my hometown, London. I had and still have the opportunity to appreciate everything around me, unlike so many others who are worse off than myself.

I am a huge fan of photography. My personal opinion is the best ones are taken in a spontaneous fashion with their target innocent, as opposed to posed photos which I regard as "faked" - true emotion is captured that way. Photos also come in handy for graphic design, me using a few towards creating desktop backgrounds amongst other things.

The purpose of this thread is to post photos we have laying around. My reason, however? Well, for one, I hope you get struck by similar emotions and thought processes as described before. My second motive would be so you can present a fragment of your life to those reading. I don't imagine myself to be visiting New Delhi, Indiana or Sweden anytime soon, so it would be nice to get closer by seeing them from your perspective, even if that means sticking a camera out of the window or taking a picture of what you are eating. I'm sure we could all discuss and appreciate different things from them.

So these are a few of the city I love, the LDN. These were taken a few weeks back.

The following is what I like to call my spot. From anywhere in the world, when I find the woman I want to be with, I will be sure to take her there.

These two below were taken near where I used to live a couple of years ago. It is outside a place called Selhurst Park, which, if you are a soccer fan, you may better know it as home turf for the Crystal Palace football team.