The random stuff:
Spoiler warning:
Quote Originally Posted by foggy_han View Post
Yes he is. He is a cutie-patooty.

Spoiler warning:

... You know, you've actually managed to convince me that, one day, when Sonic the Hedgehog airs on South African television, I shouldn't watch it. EVER.
Also, this freakishly annoyingly horribly scary pic also caused me to delete Sonic Riders from my computer.

Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Ivo Robotnik View Post
Yes, I know I say that every time, but I'm at least as stubborn as the hedgehog, and sooner or later I will be victorious!
I actually dreamt that Robotnik was victorious in ten years' time.

And now, for the questions, before you order your robots to beat me up or something.
(1) Does Mobius have dragons? (is the o supposed to be รถ or not?)
(2) Is there anything you want to forget that is not related to Sonic and his allies?
(3) In which season are you the busiest?

AND an apology.
I apologize if I annoyed you with my depression, Robotnik, sir!
What shall my punishment be? Imprisonment?