Quote Originally Posted by ToneDeafPalmMute View Post
I'm looking for a new game to fill the hole in my heart that has been ripped out by the modern rpg . I'm still recovering from ff13; the doctor say's I'm on the road to recovery, but I have to stop playing FF7 and Grandia 2...

Anyway, I Wish on shooting stars and wishing wells, for a Legend of Dragoon sequel, and I can't understand why people hate Saga Frontier (Game is gold). so is their an rpg I haven't heard of, or played that I might thoroughly enjoy. I am asking for a lot, I've played all the suikoden's I just figured that would be mentioned, I hated didn't care for Star Ocean, I'm checking out the wild arms 5, and Persona 4, Looking for a cross between the first two mentioned, I realize that's probably impossible and more close to a wet dream.
Well if you own a wii I'd suggest Xenoblade Chronicles. Excellent game. Or if you're looking for something a little older maybe last gen try out Tales of Symphonia (Dawn of the New World on the Wii was an excellent continuation of the story of the first game).