Quote Originally Posted by Kouen View Post
Sony made the PSX short hand and tbh I never thought PS1 fit as a discription for all when there is a Playstation and Playstation One (the slim line) so me when i say PSX i mean the original model when i say PS1 i mean the slim line
both models are a ps1 just one is gray & the other white i hate the slim model as i have said we don't call the ps2 a ps2x & ps2 slim.. also you have to remember that sony already created a psx & called it so it was made & sold in japan only then they aalso made a playstation or ps1. the resin n the original model isn't officially numbered is cose it was the first & by the time sony wanted to tryy & revive it they created the ps1 white slim one (i will never call it a ps one that's just retarded) & yes most ppl call the original gray model psx. further more when i say ps1 i mean ether model sine they both are a ps1. i can understand nes,snes,DC GC,..ect cose those are just the fitst letters of the console so why not call it the PS if not ps1 witch is what it is