Quote Originally Posted by Krisan Thyme View Post
FFXI was a very, very unforgiving game.. I left that game quite bitterly to tell the truth, although I notice they've fixed a lot of problems with it in recent years. (Not nearly enough, but quite a few that I found most annoying..)

WoW actually just made me bored after awhile.. I would always really enjoy it for a bit, and then.. I dunno, I'd suddenly get incredibly bored with it.
Definitely, there was a very steep learning curve with that game. I really never got very far with it. I don't even think I got to level 20 actually. Reading about some of the updates though it does seem like they fixed a lot of the more obvious problems. (Namely not being able to summon a mount outside of the major cities. ) Although it still seems like everything is party oriented, which really ruined the game for me. Sitting there looking for a group for 2 hours wasn't too fun, and not having a viable solo option aside from fighting single mobs at a time was frustrating, especially when you died and deleveled.

WoW does become incredibly boring after awhile. It basically holds your hand through the whole thing, even more so now based on what I've heard about the updates. And once you max your level all that's left is dailies, raiding or PvP, which all end up becoming tedious grindfests trying to attain the best armor/weapons. I'm glad I quit playing, I just regret that I didn't quit sooner.