Hello there! I'm new to this forum (literally just registered) and i couldn't find any topics on this subject, tough if there already exist a thread discussing this then i apologise and maybe a mod or admin can close this down?

Anyway, on to the point of this thread, shall we?
I've been emulating all kinds of consoles on my android devices. Right now i'm playing Pokemon fire red using JohnGBA emulator on a HTC one M7, and i'm using an Samsung Galaxy S2 as a bluetooth gamepad using a handy little app called BTcontroller.

This all works fine and dandy, tough when i want to move on to the newer generations of pokemon games, i (naturally) have to go with newer emulators.
I tried using DraStic DS emulator on the HTC, tough the controls seem pretty illogical to me. And overall i really didn't think it was a nice gaming experience.

But it is possible to stream things through bluetooth, right? And it is possible to use something with bluetooth as an input device.

That got me thinking: Is it possible to emulate a Nintendo DS on one Android device, while using my other Android device as bluetooth streaming/input device? And then i mean have the HTC show the top screen of a would-be DS and the galaxy S2 show the bottom/touch screen of the DS?

I was hoping one of you guys could help me with this, i'm not too big on the developing of emulators myself, so maybe someone with experience on this could give me some advice?

Thanks in advance!