So yeah, I propose an EP AIM chat. Now I know how some of you IRC'ers can be, with the whole "IRC OWNZ EVERY OTHER CHAT MEDIUM" thing, but hear me out. Another board I'm a member of does this, and it makes for some great fun every day. And I figure that it could work here as well. So, if nobody's too terribly opposed to it, here's how it'll work. I'll set up the room and invite the EP'ers I have on my AIM list in. Then those EP'ers will invite other EP'ers and....well, you see where I'm going here? It won't be for just anyone. That meaning, it won't be open to the people who have like, only 10 posts that all read like "OMG I CAN'T DOWNLOAD".

So, uhh, yeah, that's my plan. How's it sound?

(It's okay, you can tell me it sucks. )