I recently went to a web site (www.reopen911.org) and got a free DVD from it. The basic concept of it is that the US Govt knew all about it and did nothing. It goes as far as saying that the US govt may even have taken part in actively hiding information and intentionally causing a large chain of intelligence failures in order to accomodate it. It also points out that the WTC could not have become a giant cloud of liquid death in the way it did without some help from explosives and that NOT A SINGLE STEEL BULDING HAS EVER FALLEN FROM FIRE, which is the current theory supported by the White House and 911 comission. There has been only 2000 pounds of evidence collected from the scene of the act, and most of the real evidence has been destroyed.

So what do you guys think? tell us your opinion and give a link to a good web site that you have giving us more info.