
Type: Posts; User: Grouch

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  1. Sticky: what is a close encounter of the fourth kind?

    what is a close encounter of the fourth kind?
  2. Sticky: that is bat shit crazy. is there a named mental...

    that is bat shit crazy.
    is there a named mental disorder for a person with no fear? I feel like I've heard about such a thing before but it would have been many years ago.
  3. Sticky: oh that shit. yeah there's been some nasty ass...

    oh that shit. yeah there's been some nasty ass weather this spring.
  4. Sticky: yeah but that does require learning to use GECK....

    yeah but that does require learning to use GECK. I might just have to look into it.

    that sounds pretty bad is it a tropical storm or just regular?
  5. Sticky: I wanted to for 3 but never did get the info for...

    I wanted to for 3 but never did get the info for what I wanted to do anything that requires gfx art rendering ect I can't do. I'm also not really sure what I want that's why I'm looking right now.
  6. Sticky: I decided to go back to FO NV today NMS is...

    I decided to go back to FO NV today NMS is irritating me again. so now I'm looking through mods for NV again.
    I forgot how empty the south end of vegas was there's only 3 house in that area(maybe...
  7. Sticky: $1K entry fee isn't that what they already...

    $1K entry fee isn't that what they already charge? :pwacko:
  8. Sticky: would it work on adults too? :wacko:

    would it work on adults too? :wacko:
  9. Sticky: not just disney world they need to behave...

    not just disney world they need to behave everywhere.
  10. Sticky: here's something I've been thinking about for a...

    here's something I've been thinking about for a couple days while playing NMS. are all planets in out universe spherical or can a planet form in another shape?
  11. Sticky: the very image of primates wearing police...

    the very image of primates wearing police uniforms made my day :lol
  12. Sticky: do we get to choose the padding in our cells or...

    do we get to choose the padding in our cells or is it just old fiber fill? :wacko:
    I prefer people think I'm crazy I watch normies a lot they're far more crazy then either of us
  13. Sticky: :lol this is part of why I don't pay for shit.

    :lol this is part of why I don't pay for shit.
  14. Sticky: I mostly use GOG and I would love to see a crash...

    I mostly use GOG and I would love to see a crash we really need it and the sooner the better.
  15. Sticky: after I re-installed NMS yesterday and played it...

    after I re-installed NMS yesterday and played it for a bit I noticed that the game was updated from my previous install they changed the way stations looked inside and out and actually added missions...
  16. Sticky: yeah that's what I thought that's why I'm a bit...

    yeah that's what I thought that's why I'm a bit worried now that I can't run FO4 I currently have it but haven't installed it yet. I thought it might have had something to do with the anniversary...
  17. Sticky: I will give capcom credit the RE series(at least...

    I will give capcom credit the RE series(at least through 5) were good. I personally found the silent hill(minus 4) series scarier I also found the evil within pretty disturbing I was unable to finish...
  18. Sticky: I think I'll do that even though I'll have to DL...

    I think I'll do that even though I'll have to DL it again. I was also thinking of doing oblivion and modding it but after looking through the mods I don't know where to start. I still have FO3 and NV...
  19. Sticky: spent most of saturday looking for mods for no...

    spent most of saturday looking for mods for no mans sky. I found a couple that I thought I'd try I got one of the most recommended managers and tried installing the mods. the manager never worked...
  20. Sticky: so I checked out boiling point it's not the game...

    so I checked out boiling point it's not the game I thought it was. it feels like an fps just cause game without the grapple and parachute. I don't think I'll play through it the ingame map sucks and...
  21. Sticky: :lol fuck santa that fat bastard gave me the...

    fuck santa that fat bastard gave me the presents I wanted :(
  22. Replies


  23. Replies

    wait there's other single people on this site?! ...

    wait there's other single people on this site?! :wacko:
  24. Sticky: well I just beat hard reset I won't be playing...

    well I just beat hard reset I won't be playing that one again.
    I have been looking forward to checking out boiling point road to hell.
  25. Sticky: :duck:

Results 1 to 25 of 500
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